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MIP Foundation for Education and Research and Development (MOSEV)

MIP Foundation for Education and Research and Development (MOSEV)

MIP Foundation for Education and Research and Development (MOSEV)

The issue of establishing a foundation jointly by Industrial Park participants (real and legal persons) was first discussed at the General Assembly on 03 May 2011 and then at the General Assembly on 09 April 2013. Since the legal entities of the IP are only allowed to establish educational foundations in terms of legislation, it has been decided to establish the Manisa Industrialists Education Foundation, where the participants of the Manisa IP and the Industrial Park will jointly continue their work, and to authorize the board of directors for all transactions and expenditures to be made.

In this context, it was requested the opinion of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, General Directorate of Industrial Parks regarding the establishment of an Education and R&D Foundation in order to contribute to the R&D activities as well as the regional training activities and the IP legal entity being the founder of the foundation. In the Ministry’s letter dated 04 November 2013 and numbered 3812, it was stated that there was no objection to the establishment of the relevant foundation.

Information on the subject was made at the General Assembly dated 19 June 2014 and the members of the board of trustees of the Manisa Industrial Park Education and Research and Development Foundation were elected.

Members of the Founding Board of Trustees of the Manisa Industrial Park Foundation for Education and Research and Development (MOSEV):

  • Manisa Industrial Park
  • Gaye AKÇEN
  • K. Murat ÇAM
  • Mustafa ZAİM
  • Ramazan SÖNMEZ
  • Ethem ÖZTAŞ
  • Mehmet TİRYAKİ
  • Sait C. TÜREK
  • Yusuf PEKBAYIK 
  • Muzaffer BUĞDAYCI
  • Abdulaziz MEYDAN
  • Önder ŞENKOL
  • Semih VARDARER

The Foundation Official Certificate was approved by the Manisa 2nd Notary with the date of 10 December 2014 and journal number 29708, prepared in line with Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, Law No. 5737 on Foundations, Law No. 4562 on Organized Industrial Zones and other relevant legislation, and the opinions of the administrations. The foundation assets of the foundation are 50,000 TL allocated to the foundation by the founders. 70% of this property (35,000 TL) was given by Manisa Industrial Park in accordance with the General Assembly resolutions dated 09 April 2013 and numbered 23 and dated 19 June 2014 and numbered 17, while the remaining 30% (15.000 TL) was given to the other 15 founders. It consists of 1.000 TL given by each of them. The capital amount was deposited into the bank account in December 2014. After the foundation’s registration decision by the court and its publication in the Official Newspaper following the approval of the General Directorate of Foundations, the foundation work was completed in the first quarter of 2015.