Traditional April 23 festival in Manisa Industrial Park was completed with enthusiasm

Traditional April 23 festival in Manisa Industrial Park was completed with enthusiasm

Traditional April 23 festival in Manisa Industrial Park was completed with enthusiasm

The ninth of the “Traditional April 23 Festival” was held in Manisa IP this year.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: “Little ladies, little gentlemen, you are all a rose of the future, the light of prosperity. 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, which is the first and only children’s day in the world, was celebrated with great enthusiasm this year.

The “9. 250 students and teachers from the primary schools of the surrounding villages participated in our traditional April 23 Children’s Festival. The children danced to the music playing accompanied by clowns. They had fun at the playgrounds and ate as much as they wanted from historical ottoman paste, cotton candy, popped and boiled corn.

Manisa IP Board of Directors Advisor Nihat AKYOL, School Principal Mehmet YİĞİTKANLI, MOSTEM Teachers and Regional Directorate employees also attended the festival and celebrated the 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day of the children.

The children, who received the gifts prepared by the Manisa Industrial Park, left the festival with the happiness of spending a day full of good memories.